Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

Glossary of QC Terms

This glossary lists the definitions of many of the key terms in quality control and assurance.


List of QC References

Back in the 1990s, the early life of this website, there was an AACC online course called QC Planning. A reference list for that course was created. We still make this available for those interested.

ISO Glossary

This glossary covers the official definitions of terms according to ISO standards and guidelines.

Table of Areas beneath Normal Curve

This is a standard table about the area found under (beneath) a Normal curve at various points along that curve.

Basic Method Validation, 4th Edition, extras

Basic Method Validation is part of a trilogy of “back to basics” books that focus on analytical quality management. The other two books are Basic QC Practices and Basic Planning for Quality. When I teach these materials, I start with method validation because it introduces the basic concepts of analytical performance and the experimental and statistical techniques needed to describe performance in quantitative terms. These concepts carry through into the practice of QC and the selection of optimal QC procedures via quality design and planning.