Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

How to Order

You can order products from Westgard QC many ways: online, by phone, fax, or mail. You can pay by credit card, Purchase Order (US only), check (US only), even bank transfer. Below follows more details on the different ways you can place an order.

Basic QC Practices Extras page

The Basic QC Practices, Fourth Edition, was too big to fit into one paperback. Here are the links to the other parts of the book, contained online in a special section for those who purchased the book.

Six Sigma Risk Analysis Extras page

The Six Sigma Risk Analysis book was too big to fit into one paperback. Here are the links to the other parts of the book, contained online in a special section for those who purchased it.

Normalized OPSpecs Chart, N=6, 50% AQA

A Normalized OPSpecs chart, displaying QC Procedures with N=6, 50% AQA.

Normalized OPSpecs Chart, N=3, 50% AQA

A normalized OPSpecs chart with QC procedures with N=3, 50%AQA.