Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

ADVIA 560 AL Benchtop Hematology Analyzer in South Africa

ADVIA 560 AL is a benchtop hematology analyzer. Does hematology at the benchtop measure up to the latest CLIA 2024 standards, or EFLM's minimum or desirable specifications?

Sysmex XR, manufacturer's study, multimode analysis

In 2021, Sysmex introduced the next evolution of their XN line, the XR. When the manufacturer runs the study, does it stack up better against the latest CLIA goals, EFLM desirable and minimum goals?

Siemens Atellica Hema 580 in South Africa, multimode analysis

Siemens Alinity HQ is one of the newest hematology analyzers out there. How does it stack up when you benchmark it against the latest CLIA goals, EFLM desirable and minimum goals?

Alinity HbA1c method in US, multimode analysis

Our first analysis of 2024 tackles a cobas 6000 in Turkey. Can the instrument meet CLIA 2024 standards, EFLM minimum, or EFLM desirable performance specifications?

Alinity HQ analyzer in Turkey, multimode analysis

Alinity HQ is one of the newest hematology analyzers out there. How does it stack up when you benchmark it against the latest CLIA goals, EFLM desirable and minimum goals? Alinity HQ Multimode analysis.