Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

Sigma metric analysis of a Suzuka chemistry analyzer

A recent study assessed the performance of a Randox Suzuka autoanalyzer in India.  

BS-480 Sigma-metric Analysis

A recent study assessed the performance of a new compact chemistry analyzer, the Mindray BS480.  

Medical Laboratory of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University

 The Medical Laboratory of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University has become the first Sigma Verified institution in Yunnan province.

JEOL BioMajesty JCA-BM6010/C Clinical Chemistry Analyzer: Sigma-metric analysis

Are there other choices than the big 5 diagnostic analyzers? Beyond Beckman, After Abbott, Roche, Siemens, and Vista, are there viable alternatives for chemisty analyzers? We take a look at a new automated clinical chemistry analyzer, evaluating both its "closed" and "open" reagent performance.

Cobas b 101 HbA1c Analyzer: Sigma-metric assessment

The latest POC HbA1c analyzer is analyzed for its fitness for purpose, applying not only IFCC standards, Westgard standars, but also (Lenters-)Westra standards. Can this new instrument run the gauntlet of all these benchmarks?