Sigma Metric Analysis
Are things better or worse in hematology than in chemistry? Data from a recent AACC conference poster reveals more good news...
A poster from the 2005 AACC convention provides us with a great set of data on CV and bias for a new chemistry instrument. From that data, we can evaluate the Sigma performance and the QC required by the instrument. We can even compare the new instrument with Sigma metrics from other competing instruments.
We highlight a poster from the 2005 AACC/ASCLS/IFCC conference, "Evaluation of the Beckman Coulter UniCel DxC 800 Synchron Clinical System", (H. Stiegler, A. Breuer, A. Pozun, M. Krieg). The data provided in this evaluation can be converted into Sigma metrics.
We analyze some data from the field and look at performance in the Roche Modular instrument.
An analysis of the Sysmex SE-9500