Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

Are Scientific Statements the Scientific Truth?

Callum G. Fraser, Ph.D., the noted expert on biologic variation, takes an in-depth look at new guidelines for hsCRP. While the AHA/CDC has produced a scientific statement, sadly, he finds they have not found the scientific truth.

Is GUM injurious? - Or just superfluous?

What is GUM? Well, it's not something you chew. It's the ISO Guide to Uncertainty in Measurements. And as ISO standards become more widely used for accreditation of laboratories worldwide, GUM will become more widely used by both laboratories and manufacturers. But is GUM useful? superfluous? injurious? Recently, a panel of seven Scandinavian scientists examined GUM and evaluated its usefulness. We are pleased to share their findings.

It's not Rocket Science

An updated version of this essay appears in the Nothing but the Truth book.

The loss of the Columbia and Challenger Shuttles were not just technical failures - they were also a result of a culture at NASA that devalued safety. As we look at the Shuttle failures, how can we be sure that labs aren't doing the same thing?

Biological / Desirable Specs for QC, 2004 update

Dr. Carmen Ricos and her colleagues have provided us with an update to their Biological Variation Database. New analytes have been added, figures have been updated and in some cases, corrected. This article summarizes all the changes made to the desirable specifications for total error, bias, and imprecision (derived from biological variation) for hundreds of analytes.

The latest on Reference Values and Reference Intervals

Dr. Per Hyltoft-Petersen discusses why reference values and reference intervals are still an issue and are still important.