Six Sigma
Patient Data and Six Sigma together? Yes, the two most advanced QC techniques can work together. In fact, the two make a powerful combination. This application illustrates the use of both Sigma-metrics and Patient Data QC (also known as Average of Normals, AoN, Average of Patients). Patient Data QC uses patient test results to assess the performance of a laboratory testing process and to identify changes in process stability. This application strategy fits together with the strategy of multistage quality control, which employs multiple QC designs to accomplish specific objectives. (Preview)
Newborn screening is an area of testing where test interpretation and treatment guidelines for physicians are published by many laboratories, as well as regulatory agencies. Six Sigma concepts can be applied to these tests, translating the interpretation guidelines into tolerance limits. (Preview)
Recently, the Charleston Area Medical Center in West Virginia embraced Six Sigma. Melda Brown, a Black Belt in training, is one of their staff bringing better quality control to healthcare. Ms. Brown has been extremely generous in allowing us a glimpse of her Six Sigma Project as it is being implemented. Here we present the Define and Measure phases of her project.