Basic QC Practices
The Global QC Survey of 2021 further explored the practices in Latin and South America, where change is rapid.
Europe, Canada, Australia, the "Developed" world. If we look at all the advanced healthcare systems - and rule out the US because it's such a bizarre outlier of how to run a healthcare system and the CLIA regulations are equally unusual - what are the "best" labs doing with their QC?.
As Asia rises, is their QC rising with it? Some of the fastest growing economies and healthcare systems in the world, it's time to learn if their QC practices are keeping up with their growth.
Is QC in the Middle-East above average? Are the practices there exceeding the global usual? Or are they worse than the rest of the world? The results are in.
Has QC in the USA gotten better or worse? Are trends in consolidation, automation, POC-ization, and the waiving-waiving-waiving of methods had an impact on how quality control is practiced in US laboratories? The results are in.