Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

Spanish Minimum Consensus Performance Specifications

What's the absolute minimum for quality? In 2015, four Spanish EQA providers updated their earlier consensus goals to expand a common set of minimum performance specifications for tests. 

Final Milan Hierarchy

On November 24th and 25th of 2014, the first EFLM Strategic Conference on 'Defining analytical performance goals 15 years after the Stockholm Conference on Quality Specifications in Laboratory Medicine' was held. The conference organizers released the official restructured hierarchy in 2015. 

Milan 2014 Consensus Draft on Quality Specifications

On November 24th and 25th of 2014, the first EFLM Strategic Conference on 'Defining analytical performance goals 15 years after the Stockholm Conference on Quality Specifications in Laboratory Medicine' was held. On November 24th, at the end of the first day, a DRAFT consensus was handed out (the DRAFT had in fact been written before the meeting was held). However, the conference organizers later requested that this DRAFT not be shared with the public. Here is only a summary of the contents of the DRAFT. The official final Milan Mandate is available, so this document is only useful to comparative purposes now.

Minimum analytical quality requirements

What's the absolute minimum for quality? In 2012, four Spanish EQA providers formed a working group to promote the use of common minimum quality specifications for clinical tests. 

Minimum Specifications from Biological Variation database

When the best isn't possible, How low can you go? The Biologic Variation database, compiled by the Spanish CC society and Dr. Carmen Ricos, not only includes desirable and optimal specifications for imprecision, bias and total error, but also minimum specifications. For labs unable to achieve the recommended level of quality, here at least is the floor on performance. Updated for 2014.
[Please note: In October of 2018, the EFLM and SEQC have requested that no longer display this data]

Optimal Biological Variation database specifications

How good can you get? The Biologic Variation database, compiled by the Spanish CC society and Dr. Carmen Ricos, not only includes desriable specifications for imprecision, bias and total error, but also optimal specifications. For labs in search of "stretch" goals, here's the place to start. Updated for 2014.
[Please note: in October 2018, the EFLM and SEQC requested that no longer display this data.]

CLIA Requirements for Analytical Quality 1992

The tables below contain information on CLIA proficiency testing criteria for acceptable analytical performance, as printed in the Federal Register.  NOTE: This page shows goals that will EXPIRE in July 2024. The new goals take effect on January 1st, 2025, when proficiency testing organizations begin enforcing the new goals.

Desirable Biological Variation Database specifications

The 2014 edition of Desirable Specifications for imprecision, inaccuracy, and total allowable error,  calculated from data on within-subject and between-subject biologic variation. This database was updated and compiled by Dr. Carmen Ricos and colleagues, before the EFLM took the helm. As of May 2019, EFLM is managing the new biological variation database. We were honored to host this database for 15 years.

Rilibak - German Guidelines for Quality

An unofficial English translation of the RiliBÄK (Richtlinien der Bundesärztekammer). The term ‘RiliBÄK’ is an abbreviation meaning literally the Guidelines ("Rili") of the German Federal Medical Council (BÄK). Updated in 2024.

Biological Variation in Patients with Disease

Dr. Carmen Ricos and her colleagues have generously allowed us to post a new database on Biologic Variation within subjects with disease. The previous databases have relied on data from healthy patients. See how the variation changes when you examine patients with different disease states.