Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

Do it Yourself Lean in the Lab

Hope Greig had a poster at the 2005 AACC/ASCLS/etc conference in Orlando, “Using Lean Thinking in staffing a new clinical laboratory.” After reading her poster, we followed up with an interview. Her experience provides a bench-level view of Lean and can offer some very practical observations about what to expect.

CAP on Proficiency Testing

An interview with CAP about their proficiency testing practices.

Dr. Jan Krouwer on Risk Management

An interview with Dr. Jan Krouwer, PhD, an expert on Risk Management, FMEA, and many other topics.

What we can learn from World Class Methods

An Interview with the engineers and research and design team behind the Abbott Architect instrument line.

ISO: Coming to a Laboratory Near You

An interview with CAP about their new ISO certification program for laboratories