Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

Managing Quality in Networked Laboratories

Designing QC for a single test can be a challenge. Imagine the task of selecting the appropriate QC for more than 70 tests on multiple instruments across multiple laboratories. In this essay, Nuthar Jassam and colleagues describe how this was actually done at a network of laboratories in the UK.

Dietmar Stockl, QC Reality Check, Part Five

Dr. Dietmar Stockl continues his series on quality control. This article discusses the need for stability and its relationship to the quality requirement.

Saving money by applying TEa and Six Sigma for internal QC.

Putting Sigma-metrics into action can have tangible results in the laboratory. This guest essay highlights the impact of redesigning QC based on Six Sigma concept in several hospitals in the Netherlands

Dietmar Stockl, QC Reality Check, Part Four

Part three of an ongoing series on Internal Quality Control (IQC) by Dietmar Stockl. Dr. Stockl looks again at QC data examples from the real world of the laboratory, this time looking at the case when a laboratory purposes uses the wrong standard deviation.

Dietmar Stockl, QC Reality Check, Part Three

Part three of an ongoing series on Internal Quality Control (IQC) by Dietmar Stockl. Dr. Stockl looks again at QC data examples from the real world of the laboratory.